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We have always learned that heat is the energy type contributing to the internal energy of the body is increased or reduced. The inner energy is often referred to as temperature. In other words, the temperature is a factor by which the degree of heat or coolness in a body can be calculated.

It is calculated in degrees in temperature. The Celsius and Fahrenheit temperature measurement device. Yet in daily life, these steps will be used. We use the Kelvin scale for scientific estimation.

Heat and Temperature

Let us now find out the equation for the three measurements.

°F = (9/5 × °C) +32
°C = (9/5) (°F- 32)
K = C + 273°

What is Clinical Thermometer? How is it Different from a Laboratory Thermometer?

The one we use to measure our body temperature is a clinical thermometer. A medicinal thermometer is a thermometer you usually see at home or in a doctor’s office.

A long thin tube made of glass is the therapeutic thermometer. At the end of the light is silver-looking. This lamp contains mercury, so it appears shiny.

When the heat is subjected to these conditions, the mercury in the lamp changes, showing the temperature depends upon the heat of the material.

The medicinal thermometer can also be used to measure warm water. A thermometer in the laboratory looks much like the thermometer in the clinical sector, but the temperature range of the clinical thermometer, which has a long short, standardized glass tube and mercury, varies from 35% to 42 ° C.

On the other hand, a research thermometer’s temperature scale is -10 ° C to 110 ° C. However, we cannot use experimental thermometers to determine the human body temperature.

We use a therapeutic thermometer to determine the temperature of the human body.

We have the right to tilt according to our ease when using a clinical thermometer. However, if we require a proper reading, a laboratory thermometer should be kept upright.

The range of a laboratory thermometer is even broader than a clinical one, so it must be accurately used.


Read also: Transfer of Thermal Energy


What is Conduction?

Leading is a method of heat transfer from one end of the mass to another. This mechanism usually moves heat from the hotter end to the cooler end.
Leading in strong form is preferably only possible. Heat can be more efficiently held in the solid material since the atomic particles are closely wrapped and heat can be safely moved from the warmer side of the object to the cooler end.



We know that heat transfer from higher temperatures to low temperatures of an item is the driving force. According to this concept, a driver is a direction the driving process should go. There are good heat drivers and poor heat drivers.

Healthy heat conductors are called those materials through which heat can easily flow. Few decent heaters, iron, aluminum, or copper, maybe examples. If you expose one end of those materials to the sun you will find that the rest of the metal heats up easily.

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You can attempt this experiment on your own, for example. Take an aluminum or steel spatula in your gas brick in the cuisine and expose it to heat. You will find that the end of the spatula’s pole begins to heat up after a certain time and cannot last long.



Lower thermal conductors are the materials that do not allow heat to travel very quickly between ends. Wood or plastic, for instance. The movement of heat from one end of a wooden or plastic item to another takes very long. These poor heat drivers are also called insulators.

Let’s take another example and take a wooden spatula this time only when you replicate the same experiment as before. You will find that it takes very long to have the other end heated up when you open the one end to the sun. And even though it does, it’s mild enough to leave your nude hands gripping the spatula. This indicates that wood is a weak or bad heat conductor.

This is because the molecules in the wood have a high inter molecular force and these molecules thus cannot migrate to the heat sour, thus there is no convection in the trees.


Read also: Mass, Weight, & Density


Solved Examples for You

Question: The quantity of heat energy required to change the temperature of one gram of water by one degree Celsius is known as:

  • 1 Joule

  • One Kilo joule

  • 1 Calorie

  • 1 Ampere

Solution: Option C – 1 Calorie. The amount of heat required to raise the temperature of one gram of water through 1° (from 14.5°C to 15.5°C), is called one calorie.

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